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March 7, 2025

breathe deep – spring cleaning, sunday, march 16th

Breathe Deep – Spring Cleaning
Sunday, March 16th, 2025 6-8:30pm $65pp
Spring is right around the corner! Now is the best time to declutter your mind, clean out old emotional wounds, and heal your physical body of anything that no longer serves you; through the power of your own breath. Breathe in new beginnings and plant seeds for the coming months. Join Breathwork Teacher, Darielle Rose for a night of Spring Cleaning!
Breathwork is a powerful self-healing modality designed to move stagnant or trapped emotions and/or trauma through your Koshas (5 bodies of self) by way of your own life force energy; your breath. It is a uniquely transcendent experience, one that creates space for deep introspection and an elevated expansion of consciousness.
It is WORK. Even though you are lying down the entire process, it is not necessarily “calming“ initially. Please note that the word “work” is in the terminology for a reason.
You will be activating your belly / navel area – Solar Plexes chakra first by inhaling deeply and filling your belly up like a balloon. This is an inverted breathing method. From there, you will suspend / hold that breath and breathe deeply into the Heart (chest area), finally exhaling all of the air out of your mouth with loud exhales. This style does not incorporate any nose breathing unlike Holitropic Breathing or Breath of Fire etc.
It is a two part inhale one exhale. The purpose of this intensity is to over oxygenate your cells and move as energy throughout your meridians and energetic chakra systems. You will be guided to self-cleanse your physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and bliss bodies in order to transmute energy that is no longer needed within your Auric field.
Combined with powerful affirmations, a curated playlist designed to evoke emotions and assist you in healing your subconscious – this mindfulness modality is unlike anything else.
There are many different types of this meditation practice being taught, yet Darielle Rose is one of the very few guiding this specific style, known as “Evolved Breathwork”.
A practitioner for 17 years, Darielle attended her first class at the age of 23 in North Hollywood, CA. It was such a transformative experience, she later became certified to teach globally by Robert Lee, in Los Angeles, CA in 2013. Darielle now leads women’s retreats, offers private sessions and group workshops virtually and in person around the world.
Her own dedication to spiritual evolution and education is demonstrated through this process all on its own.
The feedback of those who dive deep is consistently profound and a “must try” for those looking to discover their own intricate and complex layers of self.
“There is always light, you just have to look for it. The answers lie deep within you. It’s time to explore.” – Darielle Rose
Benefits of Breathwork:
Breathwork is the fastest way to:
  • move stagnant or stuck energy through your physical body
  • clear, balance and align your Chakras/Energy centers
  • connect you to your higher self/purpose
  • release toxins through cleansing breaths
  • heal trauma, stress reduction
  • assist in overcoming addictions
  • promote a deeper sleep and aids in cellular renewal
Please note:
  • This class is NOT for pregnant women
  • You must be 18+ to register (unless parental consent is provided)
  • Please email for any questions/concerns –
  • Eat lightly an hour or more before the class
  • Pack 2 thin pillows (one for under your neck and one for under your knees) and 2-3 blankets
  • Dress comfortably and cozy, bring socks and wear layers (your body temperature can greatly shift during the practice)
  • Pack a water bottle and chapstick
  • Thoroughly read the waiver upon arrival
  • Consume alcohol, recreational drugs, excessive caffeine or ingest any mood altering substances within 24 hrs. prior to class