our neighbors table donation
February 2, 2020
let’s jump
September 9, 2020

buy your new keiser M3i from fuel now!

Fuel is super excited to be selling our favorite Keiser bikes.
Now you can buy yours directly from us.
The M3i continues to raise the bar with the introduction of Keiser Integrated Technology and its ability to transmit to multiple Bluetooth® devices at once; transmitting your workout data to your cell phone or tablet at the same time it is sending the information to the class projection system and any other Bluetooth® device you want.
Comes with a media tray!
COST: $1995
$2214.42 Including tax and delivery to Fuel
$1000 deposit at the time of order.
3 Year Warranty excluding labor and wearable parts “certain restrictions apply”
Delivery should be within 2 to 3 weeks.
Pick up at Fuel Training Studio, assembled and ready to ride!
To purchase yours please email or call us by Monday, August 17 at 10 AM.
Phone # 978.270.0020