Don’t let a vacation put the breaks on your fitness routine. Here are a few tips to keep it real while traveling.
- Try to book a hotel that has a gym on the property. Call ahead to schedule a class or check out the the hotel property for walking or running paths or better yet the beach.
- Pack your sneakers and your workout gear.
- Plan ahead and choose a regular time you you will workout each day. It can be a quick 20 minute workout and you will feel amazing after.
- Download a tabata timer on your device. Tabata is 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work with a 10 second rest in-between rounds.
- Bring a band and a jumprope.
In summary, creativity is one of the most valuable assets of all. It’s amazing what you can accomplish and create. The world is your gym. Get up, move, and constantly look for new ways to challenge yourself.
Here is a 12 minute workout you can do anywhere and guaranteed to be killer.
- Grab you tabata timer and get ready to rumble. Alternate between the 2 exercises in each section. You can count out how many you do of each exercise and try to beat it. I am always up for a little friendly competition.
- 1st round: High Knees/ Mountain Climbers
- 2nd round: Jumping jacks/Plank Walks
- 3rd round: Burpees/Air Squats
Boom you are done and feel great for the day!