andrew grange
February 20, 2024
babysitting is back!
March 16, 2024

mattie dhemecourt


Lived in 6 states- mostly in NJ and MD. Moved to Newburyport in 2021 cuz it has the best of all the places I’ve lived!

I went to Gettysburg College and University of Miami

My funny and lovey son is Macs who just turned 3 🥲

My sweet, beautiful daughter is Georgia. You have seen her at babysitting if you have taken a 8:15 or 9:15 class recently!

What do you do/did or want to do for work?

I’m a nurse at AJH

 I live for spending time with my hilarious husband and our sweet babies- the beach, traveling, or just playing in our toddler carnival of a house!

How long have you been at Fuel and why is Fuel your studio of choice?

I started at Fuel about 3 months ago at 4 months postpartum and have been hooked ever since. I love the circuit style classes, the challenge, the variety, and the people!

I’ve been to 47 states, love a good Napa Cabernet, and trash TV especially all Bravo content.